Everyday Rebellion, a documentary by The Riahi Brothers I've been editing for the past year, premiered at this years CPH:DOX, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival main award alongside filmmakers and artists like Ai Weiwei and Danis Tanovic. It was a great delight to finally see the film in all it's glory on the big screen and to celebrate with the team as well as protagonists of the film, such as Inna Shevchenko from Femen, The Yes Men, John Jackson (author of "Small Acts Of Resistance") and revolutionary mastermind Srdja Popovic.

But not enough: I am even more happy to announce that the audience of CPH:DOX chose Everyday Rebellion as their favorite film of the festival and honored our crew with the Audience Award. Thank you very much! It finally seems we accomplish our goal of engaging the audience for the idea of creative non-violent resistance.

See the trailer of Everyday Rebellion, get informed about NON-VIOLENT RESISTANCE at the platform everydayrebellion net and keep up to date with further festival screenings at the films Facebook Site.

Check out this rather cool reel I did for Red Bull Media House and Golden Girls for »MOMENTUM - What drives you«, Season 3 and MOMENTUM Culture.

Momentum is a portrait series that presents intimate snapshots of the people behind the glory. It features F1-stars and soccer legends, as well as progressive figures from music, culture, and science, including greats like Mark Webber, Thierry Henry, and the Talauega Brothers, who choreographed captivating music videos for Madonna and Michael Jackson.

Whilst editing the upcoming documentary of Arash T. Riahi and Arman T. Riahi »Everyday Rebellion«, I put together the first featured teaser of the film guiding you through the creative methods of world wide civil resistance and it's protagonists. I am proud to be member of the family. Enjoy the show!

"Everyday Rebellion" is a documentary about the power of the peaceful protests and the new forms of civil disobedience in a time of global upheavel. The film by Arman and Arash T. Riahi is currently in production and is expected to be shown in cinemas end of 2013.

The accompanying webseries "Creative Resistance" by ARTE Creative presents every week methods of peaceful protest that are presented by icons of the movements, activists, artists but also by creative users. "Everyday Rebellion" is a production of the Golden Girls Filmproduktion & Filmservices and Mira Film, in coproduction with ORF, ZDF in collaboration with ARTE, Schweizer Fernsehen and with the support of: MEDIA, FILMFONDS WIEN, BUNDESAMT FÜR KULTUR, ZÜRCHER FILMSTIFTUNG, INNOVATIVE FILM and Pixel Lab.

Visit the projects website www.everydayrebellion.com and become part of the resistance.
Everyday Rebellion on Facebook and Twitter.

Wir freuen uns auf den Kinostart am 1. März von »Nerven Bruch Zusammen« von Arash Riahi!. Für die Promotion des Films habe ich einen Trailer geschnitten. Viel Vergnügen damit. Ich hoffe er animiert zum Kinobesuch.

»Nerven Bruch Zusammen«
 erzählt von der Annäherung an Frauen, die außerhalb unserer Erfolgsgesellschaft leben. Eine Österreicherin, die unbedingt wieder Kontakt zu ihren zwei Söhnen sucht. Eine in Belgrad geborene Ingenieurin, die plötzlich Stimmen hört und eine Syrierin deren Mann plötzlich verschwindet und sie und ihr Kind alleine lässt. Behutsam und wie auf leisen Sohlen begleitet die Kamera den Alltag dieser und anderer Frauen im Kampf um ihr Recht und vermittelt ein Gefühl für ihr Leben und ihr Schicksal. Was sie verbindet, ist das Ausgesperrt sein von dem, was sie einst "daheim" nannten. In der zufälligen Zweckgemeinschaft eines Frauenhauses, erfahren sie Rückschläge, aber auch Solidarität. Die Kamera dient den Frauen als Sprachrohr in die Außenwelt. Ein Langzeitdokumentarfilm als Hommage an all die Frauen, die das Leben bisher nicht zu huldigen wusste.

Infos unter www.nervenbruchzusammen.com.